Typical whaling canoe, with a superimposed edge, used in the New Bedford until 1860.
Carefully designed assembly box to ensure long hours of construction and maximum fun. The kit includes the fake pre-cut wooden frames, the inner cladding in chopsticks and the pre-cut wooden exterior edge; all accessories are made of noble wood, metal or resin; Masted; instructions and construction plans.
Typical whaling canoe, with a superimposed edge, used in the New Bedford until 1860. Both light and robust, with a similar bow and stern, the whaling canoe could carry more than 6 crew and about 40 objects for navigation and hunting.
A whaling canoe could be dragged over a long distance by a harpooned whale. The return sometimes took more than two days. Nothing was missing on board: fresh water, food, tobacco, mast, sails and compass.
Carefully designed assembly box to ensure long hours of construction and maximum fun. The kit includes the fake pre-cut wooden frames, the inner cladding in chopsticks and the pre-cut wooden exterior edge; all accessories are made of noble wood, metal or resin; Masted; instructions and construction plans.
Fast drying epoxy glue, 5 minutes. Easy to use with syringes of distribution. Ideal in the field. Best performance on: metal, wood, rubber, ceramic, porcelain, jewelry and most plastic materials. 28-gram syringes.
Typical whaling canoe, with a superimposed edge, used in the New Bedford until 1860.
Carefully designed assembly box to ensure long hours of construction and maximum fun. The kit includes the fake pre-cut wooden frames, the inner cladding in chopsticks and the pre-cut wooden exterior edge; all accessories are made of noble wood, metal or resin; Masted; instructions and construction plans.