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Arduino MKR FOX 1200 exclusive OpenWindMap + antenna
Arduino MKR Fox 1200 board, registered exclusively on the OpenWindMap network.
Supplied with an 868MHz dipole antenna.
Arduino MKR Fox 1200 board, registered exclusively on the OpenWindMap network.
Supplied with an 868MHz dipole antenna.
For the making of a DIY weather beacon, sending its measurements on openwindmap.org
It is preprogrammed with Pascal Caunègre's code (https://github.com/pcaunegre/MkrfoxWindShield/tree/main/src/firmware), for use with a DAVIS sensor (https://www.nextmodelrc.com/fr/pieces-detachees-anemometre-diy/9883-owm-davis6410-capteur-anemometre-davis-6410.html), Peet Bros or low-cost (https://www.nextmodelrc.com/fr/pieces-detachees-anemometre-diy/9884-owm-lowcost-capteur-anemometre-low-cost.html) via the adaptation card we offer (https://www.nextmodelrc.com/fr/pieces-detachees-anemometre-diy/10376-owm-platine-platine-adaptateur-pour-arduino-mkr-fox-1200-openwindmap.html).
Compatible with OpenWindMap / Pioupiou networks.
Compatible with the FFVL Beacon network: example: https://balisemeteo.com/balise.php?idBalise=2800
For the FFVL, make a request to tags => balises@ffvl.fr
Example of tag consultation: https://www.openwindmap.org/PP933
IOS App: https://apps.apple.com/fr/app/pioupiou-live-wind/id1235894756
Android app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=tech.altostratus.pioupiou
However, you can reprogram it with the code of your choice.
Arduino Technical Documentation:
Example of projects:
Data format to use:
Community support in the dedicated section of the openwindmap forum: https://forum.openwindmap.org/category/35/arduino
To reduce power consumption, it is possible to remove the "power" led located next to the USB port. With a small pair of pliers, for example.
For outdoor use, it is strongly recommended to protect the card from moisture, using a tropicalization varnish. Like the one we are proposing, (https://www.nextmodelrc.com/fr/pieces-detachees-anemometre-diy/10347-321-7324-vernis-de-tropicalisation-electrolube-15ml-resine-acrylique-pour-ci.html).
Before reprogramming the card, it is necessary to switch it to "programming" mode. Otherwise, it may not be recognized by the computer. To do this, press the reset button twice quickly. The "builtin" led then lights up flickering.
IMPORTANT: This map is only intended to be used for a weather beacon on the network OpenWindMap, using the data format described above.
It is associated with the Sigfox OpenWindMap account, and cannot be transferred to another account. It does not give access to the technical backend or Sigfox callbacks.
Subscription is included for the first year. For the following years, the subscription is to be renewed on the page https://abo.openwindmap.org/
(New map. Open packaging, for network recording and pre-programming purposes).