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Tension d'entrée : 7.4V à 16.8V DC (2-4S Li-xx)
BEC : 5V 2 ampères
Sortie : 30A (sortie: 30A en continu, 40A Max. jusqu'à 10 sec.)
Taille : 36mm (L) x 26mm (l) x 7mm (H).
Poids : 32g.
Programmable Items :
1. Brake Setting : Enabled / Disabled, default is Disabled
2. Battery Type : Li-xx(Li-ion or Li-poly) / Ni-xx(NiMH or NiCd), default is Li-xx.
3. Low Voltage Protection Mode(Cut-Off Mode) : Soft Cut-Off (Gradually reduce the output power) or Cut-Off (Immediately stop the output power). Default is Soft Cut-Off.
4. Low Voltage Protection Threshold(Cut-Off Threshold) : Low / Medium / High, default is Medium.
1) For lithium batteries, the number of battery cells is calculated automatically. Low / medium / high cutoff voltage for each cell is: 2.6V/2.85V/3.1V. For example: For a 3 cells lithium pack, when ¡°Medium¡± cutoff threshold is set, the cut-off voltage will be: 2.85*3=8.55V.
2) For nickel batteries, low / medium / high cutoff voltages are 0%/45%/60% of the startup voltage (i.e. the initial voltage of battery pack), and 0% means the low voltage cut-off function is disabled. For example: For a 10 cells NiMH battery, fully charged voltage is 1.44*6=8.64V, when ¡°Medium¡± cut-off threshold is set, the cut-off voltage will be:8.64*50%=4.3V
5. Startup Mode : Normal /Soft /Super-Soft, default is Normal.
Normal is preferred for fixed-wing aircraft. Soft or Super-soft are preferred for helicopters. The initial acceleration of the Soft and Super-Soft modes are slower in comparison, usually taking 1 second for Soft startup or 2 seconds for Super-Soft startup from initial throttle advance to full throttle. If the throttle is closed (throttle stick moved to bottom) and opened again (throttle stick moved to top) within 3 seconds of the initial startup, the restart-up will be temporarily changed to normal mode to get rid of the chances of a crash caused by slow throttle response. This special design is very suitable for aerobatic flight when quick throttle response is needed.
6. Timing : Low / Medium / High, default is Low.
Usually, low timing value can be used for most motors. We recommend the Low timing value for 2 poles motor and Medium timing value for motors with more than 6 poles to get a high efficiency. For higher speed, High timing value can be chosen.